Current clamp operation modes?

tomte tehgabriel at web.de
Thu Dec 16 13:36:03 EST 2004

I am working with the Axoclamp 2B Amplifier from Axon Instr.
Since I have little experience with this amplifier i am still engaged
with some questions:
There are two different modes to do current clamp recordings
(1) Bridge mode
(2) Discontinuous Current Clamp (DCC) mode
Even though i spend quiet a while reading the manual, i am still not
sure in some points. For example: What are the
advantages/disadvantages of these two modes (when compared with each
other)? When (in which experimantal situation) shall one prefer
working in DCC mode compared to Bridge mode and vice versa?

Any explanations or comments are appreciated (does not apply to
Kenneth Collins!).

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