"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in
news:owvvd.1090244$Gx4.179789 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| It's a "test".
|| When folks can answer that question
| in a way that doesn't Kill me, folks'll
| know that they're getting NDT's stuff.
|| Folks can also know what's in other
| folks 'hearts' by just sort of "sitting back",
| observing other folks' choices with re-
| spect to the same "test".
| [...]
But it's the =GENERAL= case that
As things have stood, folks've been
doing the Same-Stuff to =everyone=
who induces TD E/I(up, up) within
their nervous systems.
It's what Crucified Jesus.
In case 'you' wonder how you
would've behaved with respect to
Jesus if you were alive when He
was on Earth.
All 'you' have to do is see how
treat =anyone= in 'your' midst who
is a source of TD E/I(up, up)
within 'your' nervous system.
That's how you would've treated
It's what Jesus was talking about
when He said, "What you do to
the least in my kingdom, you do
unto me."
He was talking about the really-Big
stuff that connects all of Humanity,
which if folks look, they'll See is
Which is what Jesus was talking
about when He said, "I am the
truth, the way, and the life."
He wasn't "kidding".
Yet folks 'moved away from' Him.
'because' He was Giving them all
of this Goodness that's been 'ban-
ned' 'because' folks 'think' it "de-
creases" their 'freedom'.
What decreases folks Freedom is
anything that's outside of the stuff
Jesus Gave to Humanity.
Look and See where the Killing
and Savagery are.
It's everywhere =except= in the
Direction in which Jesus bid Hu-
manity to 'move'.
Kind of Sorrowfully-'funny', no?
Kind of like those folks in the high-
zoot car that gave the one-finger-
salute to the guy who was trying to
save their Lives.
Think about it.
It's what all the 'moving away from'
Jesus has been all about.
'blindly'-automated TD E/I-min-
imization doing what it 'blindly'-and-
automatically does when it's left
not understood.
What's really 'funny' is that the folks
who 'move away from' Jesus 'think'
that their 'moving away from' is as
a "declaration" of their "intelligence".
You know?
One Sees such all the 'time', all
around one during the course of one's
routine everyday experience.
Folks "declaring" what they 'think'
is their "intelligence", when all they're
doing is Declaring their allegience to
'the beast', "Abstract Ignorance",
'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimiza-
tion, and that they 'think' that that's
It's as Jesus said, "Truth will set you
And He wasn't "kidding".
So, take the "test".
You know -- look and See where
'you' stand.
[It's 'funny'. In the perspective from
which I'm discussing it, it's all just
Neuroscience, but I've no idea whether
or not folks're ready to hear this stuff.
I can't 'wait', though, if folks're going
to 'erase' my Being. Gotta do what
needs to be done, while I can.
Forgive me, please, that I "dare" to
do so in 'your' electronic "presence".
I Love you in that way.]
ken [k. p. collins]