On Freedom

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Tue Dec 14 01:13:40 EST 2004

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in 
news:GLnvd.1087845$Gx4.282727 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| See how NDT's understanding works?
| It Frees one from the "tyranny" of 'blindly'-
| automated TD E/I-minimization, allowing
| one to See beyond all the B.S. that rout-
| inely gets heaped-up during the course of
| 'normal' interactive dynamics, and which
| would, otherwise, coerce one to behave
| only in ways that've been 'boxed' and
| "sanctioned" within 'societal' circumstances.
| [...]

Objector: "Societal sanctions exist because,
without them, there would be only chaos."


The "objection" is False because, once
the way nervous systems process inform-
ation via 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-min-
imization is understood [once it comes
to be embodied in "biological mass" with-
in a nervous system], TD E/I-minimization
with respect to it guides behavior in ways
that =know= that =everyone's= nervous
system 'wants' [needs] to experience TD
E/I-minimization, and what the conse-
quences of inducing TD E/I(up, up) with-
in others' nervous systems are.

The Difference that the understanding
makes is that it allows folks to become
Free of haphazardly-accumulated, mere-
ly-'familiar' stuff -- which Ravages Hu-
manity -- and to, instead, literally fol-
low Truth.

What's happened to 'me' doesn't count
because it fell to me to just be "the
bridge" between the two 'states'.

Be-cause I had to just do what needed
to be done, in the midst of the prevailing
absence-of-understanding, there was
no way that I could remain unscathed.
All I could do is endure folks' 'savagery',
while, nevertheless, working to lift folks
up out of what's been Humanity's 'blind-
ly-automated-TD E/I-minimization-driven

It's an interactively-thankless task.

But, See? That's a case in-point. It's
an instance of the Freedom-of-Action
that I'm discussing in this post.

I've done what needed to be done
=without= hurting anyone.

Oh yeah, there've been some folks
who've been 'pissed-off' at 'me', and
there've been some folks who've hurt
themselves [mucked-up their living]
be-cause they've ab-used NDT's stuff,
etc., with respect to myriad such cir-

But, on the one hand, there was "man's
inhumanity to man", all of it's Slaughter,
Devastation and Savagery, and, on the
other hand, was knowing that folks'd
'move away from' me, and that that'd

"No contest."

But, is there no way in which I can
be allowed to =Live= as a consequence
of having done this stuff that just Needed
to be done, instead of being 'erased'
'because' I did it [and continue to do so]?

It's a "test".

When folks can answer that question
in a way that doesn't Kill me, folks'll
know that they're getting NDT's stuff.

Folks can also know what's in other
folks 'hearts' by just sort of "sitting back",
observing other folks' choices with re-
spect to the same "test".


k. p. collins 

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