Necessary Clarification, below.
"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
news:JJZud.1080110$Gx4.989571 at
| "kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
| message
|news:qEZud.1080086$Gx4.807812 at
|| [...]
|| For instance, I found, embedded in
| some of these 'bogus' msgs I down-
| loaded for Analysis last 'night', en-
| coding that flat-out Blocks =all=
| means of backing-up files from my
| PC.
I'd not be surprised if this embedded
code is also doing the Same-Stuff on
the PCs of everyone who DL'd the
files that contain it. [I'm =Sorry=, but I
cannot discuss this stuff, further, at
this 'time'. What I'm doing, here, is
just informing folks that it's probably
so. That would make it a Federal
Crime [if...], to the degree that it's
not happening on a 'clone-server',
which, as of 'now', I believe is the
=partial= case.]
| That's =Sophistocated= stuff that
| requires full knowledge of, and co-
| operation with, 'operating systems'.
|| This =is not= the stuff of "irate jack-
| asses".
Necessary Clarification:
The above statement should not be
construed as saying that it's not pos-
sible that the 'sophistocated' folks
rely-upon "irate Jackasses" to do
their dirty work. That is Probably
the case, at least in-part. Their
reliance is in embedding their 'work'
in 'Disinformation', the 'foggier' the
'better', from their cyber-Warfare
| This is well-Engineered cyber-Warfare.
|| Has 'Expertiese' written through-it.
|| I expect I'll get to the bottom of it
| before I'm done with it.
K. P. Collins