Identity Theif / news.admin.net-abuse.email spammer

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sun Dec 12 10:46:49 EST 2004

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in 
news:qEZud.1080086$Gx4.807812 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]

For instance, I found, embedded in
some of these 'bogus' msgs I down-
loaded for Analysis last 'night', en-
coding that flat-out Blocks =all=
means of backing-up files from my

That's =Sophistocated= stuff that
requires full knowledge of, and co-
operation with, 'operating systems'.

This =is not= the stuff of "irate jack-

This is well-Engineered cyber-Warfare.

Has 'Expertiese' written through-it.

I expect I'll get to the bottom of it
before I'm done with it.

K. P. Collins 

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