"AngleWyrm" <no_spam_anglewyrm at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:EDJud.643458$mD.129158 at attbi_s02...
| An insane child is posing as multiple
| users (Kenneth P. Collins, AngleWyrm,
| Tech Zero, Robert Briggs). At this point,
| it would not surprise me to see anyone
| who has posted in this newsgroup to end
| up "posting" clipped pages from some
| paranoid delusion on the Kennedies, etc.
|| The purpose of the identity theft is to
| offend the real person into replying to
| a cross-posted message, to flood news.-
| admin.net-abuse.email with irate users.
|| So does anyone have ideas on how to
| track, eliminate, or report to his ISP the
| author of all this bogus shit?
|| -:|:-
| AngleWyrm
Since all of this stuff is blockable in real-
'time', there's probably something more-
sinister going-on.
The "problem" that's being dumped-up-
on users of bionet.neuroscience relies-
in simple data-overload, and my working-
hypothesis is that it's being done to 'erase'
the 'Difficult' stuff I've been discussing,
and that it's being done knowingly, to that
effect, by folks who're 'wanting' to to
cover-their-butts with respect to their
prior ab-use of the work I've done.
They 'seek-profits', committing Mass-
Murder in the process.
If you've not been reading, here in b.n,
for the past 'decade', you've insufficient
data to understand what I'm saying here.
What seems like a "coincidence" is prob-
ably not that, but a much-more-Sinister
dynamic trying to 'masquerade' as 'banal'
It's probably 'just' Aggression -- Same-Stuff
that Aggression always is, only, in this case,
it's probably the single greatest act of Mass-
Murder that's ever been Committeded.
The Same-Stuff has =always= happened, in
one form or another, whenever I've actual-
ly begun to reach-folks with NDT's under-
For the past several 'years' analogous
attacks have been directed exclusively
at my Internet PCs.
I took action to block that, now the Same-
Stuff that was happening on my individual
PCs is happening in the NG.
I repeat. All of this stuff is blockable in
real-'time', so it just can't happen without
the consent of the 'powerful' folks.
k. p. collins