neuron connections

Tech Zero dec-hospam at dragonfur.ca
Sat Dec 11 17:49:04 EST 2004

can be little doubt about where Reeves stands. This is
the man who once wrote a quite sympathetic book about Joe
McCarthy (The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy). In his anthology
of essays on the foundation system (Foundations Under Fire) his
uncritical opening essay is by far the longest piece in the book.
A fierce critic like Fred Cook gets only three pages. In his
anthology of essays on McCarthy (McCarthyism), editor Reeves has
to label critics of the champion Red baiter as "liberals." Yet
when people like Bill Buckley or Brent Bozell take the floor, no
such label is necessary. In his latest book, The Empty Church,
Reeves unremittingly pillories liberals for weakening the main
Protestant churches in America. What is the cause of their
shrinking numbers? The liberalism of the sixties of course. One
long chapter is entitled "Stuck in the Sixties." This last book
was published four years after his Kennedy hatchet job, and was
sponsored by something called the Wisconsin Policy Research
Institute which sounds suspiciously like Horowitz's Center for
Popular Culture, which makes me wonder if Reeves followed an
established course of career advancement.

Reeves certainly did all he could to promote the Marilyn Monroe
tale. Of course, he had an advantage. By 1991, when A Question of
Character was published, the Marilyn Monroe thread of the

movement outlined above was in full bloom. As if by design, this
literature assimilated appendages from the other two threads: a
distinct anti-Kennedy flavor, and the idea that the Kennedys
ordered political assassinations. If one follows the pedigree of
this lineage, the reasons for this become clear. The man who
created the RFK/Monroe business, as we will see, was an
incontinent Kennedy hater.

In the Collier-Horowitz book, the authors allude to the pamphlet
that started the industry. Describing Bobby's 1964 campaign for a
Senate seat in New York, they write:
  Meanwhile, right-wingers were circ

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