external to the Organization. They shall refrain
from any action which might reflect on their position as international
officials responsible only to the Organization.
For these reasons, the United Nations Organization was quickly perceived
to be aiding and abetting the criminal U.S./U.K. belligerent occupation
regime in Iraq and thus an appropriate target for attack by Iraqi
resistance forces. Hence the 19 August 2003 car-bombing of the U.N.
Headquarters in Baghdad with its horrendous loss of human lives should
have come as no surprise to anyone. Then Bush Jr. and Kofi Annan
publicly shed some crocodile tears for the U.N. personnel victims of
that tragedy, for which the former bear joint and several responsibility
with the perpetrators. Of course the U.N. Secretary General and the U.N.
Secretariat have operated as proxies for the United States government
for at least the past decade since the collapse of the Soviet Union.52
And the complicity of the United Nations Secetariat in the
administration o