neuron connections

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sat Dec 11 17:51:27 EST 2004

10:00 AM - piano recital, 11:00
AM - horseback riding, 12:00 AM - ice skating. Bradlee's first
marriage was into another wealthy Massachusetts family, the
Saltonstalls. Bradlee may or may not have succeeded in deceiving
Kennedy about who he was (I hope not). But the fact that he feels
the need to hide all this - and more - from the reader is
instructive to the matter at hand. Because, as we will see,
Bradlee's writings on the Meyer story are at odds with other
renditions. And no one has ever bothered to point out the many
discrepancies, or a possible motive for them.

Bradlee's Version

We now come to the most relevant part of the Meyer story: the
circumstances surrounding her lost diary which supposedly
contained notes on her affair with Kennedy. No one today can say
what happened to it, or what it actually contained. To begin to
explain why, let me summarize the account about the matter given
by Bradlee in his 1995 autobiography A Good Life.

The night of the Meyer murder, at his home, Bradlee got a call
from Anne Truitt, Mary's artist friend and then the wife of Jim
Truitt, Newsweek's Tokyo correspondent. Mary had told Anne to
retrieve the diary in cas

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