his right-hand henchman Tony
Blair. By contrast North Korea and Iran would defend themselves by
inflicting enormous casualties against an aggressor. On the Southside of
Chicago, bullies prefer to pick upon hapless victims.
The Nazi doctrine of preventive warfare was publicly articulated by
President Bush Jr. in his 1 June 2002 commencement address at the West
Point Military Academy. Then in late August of 2002, Vice President
Cheney signaled the formal commencement of the Bush Jr. war of
aggression against Iraq by giving two public speeches before the
Veterans of Foreign Wars (Aug. 26) and the Korean War Veterans (Aug. 29)
in which he publicly touted the Nazi doctrine of preventive warfare
against Iraq. Of course the lap-dog U.S. news media were too obesiant to
observe that while mongering for a war against Iraq before these former
soldiers who had actually gone to war, Cheney had ducked out of the
Vietnam War. The same was true for Wolfowitz and the rest of the Bush
Jr. administration's Straussian Neo-Con cabal. They were too busy
studying Machiavelli and Nietzsche with Strauss, Bloom, and their
acolytes from the University of Chicago. Chickenhawks to a man. Bush Jr.
too. The American Power Elite are more than happy to send the children
of poor Blacks, Latinos and Whites off to kill and be killed in
Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Just like their eliti