neuron connections

Tech Zero dec-hospam at dragonfur.ca
Sat Dec 11 14:19:17 EST 2004

it is hard to keep track of where she is:
Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Miami, Chicago, Washington etc. She
met JFK through Sinatra. Kennedy immediately fell for her.

According to Exner, it was not just physical. Kennedy became a
dopey mooner in her hands. He talked of leaving his wife for her.
At times the pressures of his life got so intense he wanted to
escape with her to a deserted island. Since he can't bear to lose
her, whenever there is friction in the relationship, Kennedy
pours on the charm to smooth it out. Even when Hoover confronts
him with the Exner-Giancana association, Kennedy insists on
seeing her. At one time, he asks her to board Air Force One with
him. She won't because she wants to spare Jackie's dignity.

There is one scene in the book that caps her aforementioned
personal appeal vs. JFK's. It crystallizes the Errol Flynn/Don
Juan image that Exner wishes to construct out of Kennedy. It is
used by some authors of the type we will discuss, most notably
CIA-FBI toady and New York Times-Washington Post veteran Ron
Kessler in his book Sins of the Father. On the first day of the
Democratic convention in Los Angeles in 1960, Kennedy sends for
Exner. She arrives at the hotel but several people are there,
including Kennedy's sister. He assures her that they will all be
leaving momentarily and that he wants to be alone with her in his
moment of victory. Eventually most of the visitors leave except
for two: a tall skinny secretarial type, and Kennedy's adviser
Ken O'Donnell

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