International Criminal Court in 2002.61
Therefore, it came as no surprise that immediately upon their coming to
power in 2001, the Bush Jr. Leaguers did everything humanly possible to
sabotage the International Criminal Court (ICC) precisely because they
were then currently planning, preparing and conspiring to commit
criminal wars of aggression around the world. The highest level civilian
officials of the Bush Jr. administration did not want the International
Criminal Court looking over their shoulders while they were committing
wanton aggression, crimes against humanity, and war crimes against the
Peoples and States of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and
elsewhere. The Bush Jr. Leaguers concerted sabotaging of the ICC is what
criminal lawyers call an example of their "consciousness of guilt." Iraq
for the Iraqis Foreign troops should stay out of Iraq for any reason
whatsoever at the behest of the Bush Jr. administration. Otherwise, they
too will become legitimate targets of attack from an Iraqi resistance
movement to foreign occupation forces that are actively aiding and
abetting the U.S./U.K. criminal war of aggression against Iraq for oil
and Israel, which was in violation of the United Nations Charter and the
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact as well as the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment and
Principles - a Crime against Peace. Iraq should immediately be placed
under the