Neo-Con students gravitated towards the
University of Chicago or towards Chicago Alumni at other universities.
Years later, the University of Chicago became the "brains" behind the
Bush Jr. Empire and his Ashcroft Police State. Attorney General John
Ashcroft received his law degree from the University of Chicago in 1967.
Many of his lawyers at the Bush Jr. Department of Injustice are members
of the right-wing, racist, bigoted, reactionary, and totalitarian
Federalist Society (aka "Feddies"),4 which originated in part at the
University of Chicago. Feddies wrote the USA Patriot Act (USAPA) I and
the draft for USAPA II, which constitute the blueprint for establishing
an American Police State.5 Meanwhile, the Department of Injustice's own
F.B.I. is still covering up the U.S. governmental origins of the post 11
September 2001 anthrax attack on Washington D.C. that enabled Ashcroft
and his Feddies to stampede the U.S. Congress into passing USAPA I into
Integrally related to and overlapping with the Feddies are members of
the University of Chicago "School" of
Law-and-Kick-Them-in-the-Groin-Economics, which in turn was founded upon
the Market Fundamentalism of Milton Friedman, now retired but long-time
Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago. Friedman and his
"Chicago Boys" have raped, robbed, looted, plundered, and pillaged
economies and their respective peoples all over the developing world.7
This Chicago gang of academic con-artists and charlatans are proponents
of the Nazi Doctrine of "useless eaters." Pursuant to Friedman's
philosophy of Market Fundamentalism, the "privatization" of Iraq and its
Oil Industry are already underway for the primary benefit of the U.S.
energy companies (e.g., Halliburton, formerly under Vice President Dick
Cheney) that had already interpenetrated the Bush Jr. administration as
well as the Bush Family itself. Enron. Although miseducated8 at Yale and
Harvard Business School, the "Ivies" proved to be to