neuron connections

AngleWyrm no_spam_anglewyrm at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 11 16:02:55 EST 2004

Speaking to Veterans, Says Iraq May Not be Last
Strike, NYTimes.com, Aug. 26, 2003.

45. Geoff Simons, The Making of Iraq, 35 The Link, No. 5, at 12-13 (Dec.
2002); Institute for Public Accuracy, United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1441: An Analysis 12 November 2002.

46. Francis A. Boyle, Foundations of World Order 1-24, 86-102 (1999).

47. USA On Trial: The International Tribunal on Indigenous Peoples and
Oppressed Nations in the United States (Alejandro Luis Molina ed.1996);
Noam Chomsky, Year 501: The Conquest Continues (1993).

48. Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (1987).

49. James Podgers, Greetings from Independent Hawaii, ABA Journal, June
1997, at 74.

50. See U.N. Security Council Resolution 1502 (2003).

51. James Petras, The Politics of the U.N. Tragedy, Rebelión, Aug. 24,

52. Francis A. Boyle, Is Bosnia the End of the Road for the United
Nations?, 6 Periodica Islamica, No. 2, at 45 (1996).

53. Denis Halliday, The U.N. Failed the Iraqi People, Socialist Worker,
Sept. 5, 2003. See also Karima Bennoune, 'Sovereignty vs. Suffering'?
Re-examining Sovereignty and Human Human Rights Through the Lens of
Iraq, 13 European Journal of International Law, No. 1, at 243-62 (2002).

54. Cynthia D. Wallace, Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 3 Encyclopedia of
Public International Law 236 (1982).

55. Werner Meng, Stimson Doctrine, 4 Encyclopedia of Public
International Law 230 (1982).

56. Michael J. Glennon, Why the Security Council Failed, Foreign
Affairs, May/June 2003, at 16.

57. Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, Brave Ne

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