neuron connections

Robert Briggs Trebor.Briggs at BITphysics.orgBUCKET
Sat Dec 11 14:55:25 EST 2004

Angletons, Tony Bradlee, and another (unnamed) person make a
search at Mary's home. Again, the diary is not there. The search
continued in the garage-studio (time not specified). In this
version, several papers and the diary are discovered. Tony
Bradlee gives it all to Angleton and asks him to burn it.

Angleton burns the papers only. He "safeguarded" the diary. Years
later, Tony asked for the diary. Angleton gave it to her. She
burned it, and the witness was Anne Truitt.

Ron Rosenbaum

The longest treatment of this whole affair was one of the
earliest. Ron Rosenbaum did a story for New Times in 1976. In his
version, the Angletons went to Mary's the day she died. When no
one answered, they entered the house. From her answering
service(!), they found out she was dead. They proceeded to the
Bradlees' home to make funeral arrangements. Later that night,
Jim Angleton returned to Mary's, but only to retrieve her
kittens. The Truitts then called the Angletons (the time is not
mentioned). In Rosenbaum's version, it is the Truitts who are
entrusted with the diary. In an even more serious difference, the
search for the diary occurs five days after the murder. This time
the search party includes the Angletons, Tony Bradlee and -
making their first appearances - Mary's ex-husband Cord Meyer,
and Mary's old college roomie Ann Chamberlain. The search goes on
for hours amid drinking and even dishwashing by Angleton. The
diary is not found. Later (at an unspecified time) Tony Bradlee
finds it in the studio, this time in a locked steel box. And this
time, there are "hundreds" of letters, not just several. In the
Rosenbaum version, Angleton says that he burned the whole
package. Yet Rosenbaum also writes that other unnamed sources say
the contents were sent to the Pinchot estate in Milford,

I could also quote other versions of the diar

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