neuron connections

Robert Briggs Trebor.Briggs at BITphysics.orgBUCKET
Sat Dec 11 15:17:07 EST 2004


This is as specific as Capell gets in outlining his reason for
the "conspiracy." I wondered where he got the idea of Monroe's
"going public" about an affair. As many writers have pointed out,
this would have been quite out of character for her. Something
that Jim Marrs recently sent me may help explain it. He sent me
the full text of a memo that he references in his current book,
Alien Agenda. The memo supposedly reports on information gleaned
from an FBI wiretap of Dorothy Kilgallen's phone. The document
went from the FBI to the CIA, where it was signed by James
Angleton. In it, a man named Howard Rothberg is quoted as saying
that Monroe had conversations with the Kennedy brothers on top
secret matters like the examination of captured outer space
creatures, bases inside of Cuba, and of President Kennedy's plans
to kill Castro. He also said that she was talking about a "diary
of secrets" (quotes in original) that she had threatened RFK with
if he brushed her off. When I got this memo, I was struck by its
singular format. I have seen hundreds of CIA documents, maybe
thousands, and I never saw one that looked like this. (We can't
reproduce it because the copy sent to us is so poor). I forwarded
it to Washington researcher Peter Vea. He agreed it was highly
unusual. To play it safe, I then sent a copy to former
intelligence analyst John Newman. He said that he had seen such
reports. What he thought was wrong with it was that there were
things in it that should have been redacted that weren't and
things exposed that should have been blacked out. For instance,
there is a phrase as follows, "a secret air base for the purpose
of inspecting [things] from outer space." Newman notes that the
brackets around the word "things" denote that it had been
previously redacted. It should not have. The words "outer space"

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