neuron connections

Robert Briggs Trebor.Briggs at BITphysics.orgBUCKET
Sat Dec 11 13:19:44 EST 2004

two decades (before computers came in), he
made his living with a typewriter. Yet, in all the hours he spent
looking at these papers, this anachronism never jumped out at

That Hersh could be such an easy mark, that he was so eager to
buy into the Summers-Haspiel-Slatzer concoction tells us a lot
about what to expect from his book. As Anson notes, Hersh has
been talking not only to CIA officials, but also to Secret
Service people and, especially to Judith Exner. The reasons for
the CIA to lie about the Castro plots have already been
explained. At the beginning of part one of this piece, I
mentioned that many in the Secret Service hated Kennedy, realized
they were culpable in a security breakdown, and, like Elmer
Moore, worked hard to cover up the true circumstances of
Kennedy's murder. About Exner's motives, I can only speculate.

Will Hersh have her now say that she saw Marilyn with Kennedy and
Giancana in Hyannis Port on a sail boat eating pizza? From
Anson's description of panting-dog Hersh, delivering Exner to him
was a little like giving Geraldo copy of Goddess.

Mega-Trasher, or Just Mega-Trash?

Hersh's book promises to be the mega "trash Kennedy" book. And,
like any hatchet man, Hersh tries to disguise his mission. In the
Vanity Fair article, his fellow workers on the ABC documentary
say, "there have been moments when, while recounting private acts
of kindness by JFK, Hersh has broken down and wept." (Anson p.
122) This from a man who intimidated witnesses with his phony
papers and waved them aloft while damning the Kennedys with them.
I believe his tears as much as I 

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