neuron connections

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sat Dec 11 12:44:20 EST 2004

some of his dealings in
  appeasing the Castro regime, had her killed by Communist
  agents under his control. (p. 409)

The authors fail to note the man who penned this work. His name
was Frank Capell. Capell is usually described as an extreme right-
winger associated with the John Birch Society. This is apt, but
incomplete. As Jim Garrison once noted, the more one scratches at
these Minutemen types, the more their intelligence connections

Swallowing Frank Capell

Capell had worked for the government in World War II, but was
convicted on charges of eliciting kickbacks from contractors for
the war effort. After the war, in the Red Scare era, Capell began
publishing a Red baiting newsletter, The Herald of Freedom. He
was highly active in attempting to expose leftists in the
entertainment industry. It was this experience that put him in a
good position to pen his McCarthyite, murderous smear of Bobby

But there is another element that needs to be noted about Capell:
his ties to the FBI. As Lisa Pease noted in her watershed article
on Thomas Dodd (Probe Vol. 3#6), Capell was one of the sources
tapped by the Bureau in the wake of the assassination in order to
find out who Oswald really was. His information proved remarkably
penetrating, considering it came in February of 1964. Capell said
Oswald was a CIA agent. Even more interesting, Capell stated in
his FBI interview that this information came from "a friend of
his...with sources close to the presidential commission" i. e.,
the Warren Commission. To have this kind of acute information and
to have access to people around the Commission (which was sealed
off at the time) strongly indicates Capell was tied into the
intelligence community, which of course, is probably why the
Bureau was consulting him in the first place.

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