agrees that, while
the Meyers were married, she was knowledgeable about his CIA
activities and that Cord Meyer was close to Angleton. Reportedly,
the liberal Mary grew disenchanted with Cord, his cohorts, and
the Agency shop talk. She wanted to become her own person, hence
her interest in painting. She also admired Kennedy's policies. If
the above is true, why would she entrust the secrets of her diary
to, of all people, Jim Angleton? This, plus the fact that his
wife and Anne Truitt now say that Angleton found out about his
"inheritance" of the diary on the transcontinental call, seem to
suggest some sort of collusion between the couples. Or else why
would Anne Truitt switch the "entrustment" of the diary from her
to Angleton, as she did in 1995, as if they were interchangeable?
And if Mary had instructed the diary be given to Angleton, why
would he then turn it over to Tony Bradlee?
Finally, let us assume for a moment that the diary did record the
Kennedy-Meyer affair and/or the pot smoking. If that were so,
does anyone who knows anything about the CIA think that Angleton
would not have found a way to get it into the press? Or did I
just answer my own question? If no such entries existed, Angleton
would do the next best thing. He would call on his friend Jim
Truitt to accomplish it for him through The National Enquirer,
and into the mainstream via Kennedy's false friend Bradlee at the
Post. For good measure, Truitt poured on the pot angle which does
not figure in the Exner story. Need I add that the Meyer story
came out right after the Exner story, i. e. on the heels of the
Church Committee's report. And Ron Rosenbaum, an unquestioning
backer of Exner, was there to unquestioningly accept the package
on Meyer.
When Mary Meyer died in 1964, Angleton had just finished - with
the help of Richard Helms and Allen Dulles - the CIA's Warren
Commission cover-up. As we shall see in part two, Angleton will
also figure in another package