neuron connections

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sat Dec 11 13:59:51 EST 2004

buy a state as sparsely
populated as West Virginia? Was he supposed to rally up the
squirrel vote? Kelley never asked what Bobby Kennedy's reaction
was to seeing Giancana at the White House. But considering his
efforts against Giancana, it must have been something like, "Geez
Sam, I guess our surveillance slipped. I didn't know you were
going to be here tonight." Or to his brother: "Jack, this is
going to make me look like a hypocrite. Also, it will compromise
my case against this guy in court when he shows the judge that
photo of us three sitting here." Finally, Kelley has no questions
about a glaring inconsistency in her scenario. In the course of
these ongoing meetings, probably at the first one, wouldn't nice
guy Sam say, "Jack I really appreciate the dinner, but this is
all kind of redundant. See, I'm already working with Bob Maheu at
CIA to kill Fidel." Evidently, Exner was so convincing that
neither Kelley nor her editors ever entertained any doubts. Or to
hopeless cynics like myself, maybe they didn't want to blow the
hundred grand they had invested in their cover story.

Kelley did ask one pertinent question. Namely, why did Exner not
tell Demaris these startling details back in 1977? Why did she
wait eleven years to bare her soul? Exner says she was afraid and
needed to protect herself. Unfortunately, this rings a bit hollow
since 1) Giancana and Roselli were both dead when she wrote her
book, 2) the Church Committee spilled all the beans on the plot

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