20 with the Cuban national
involved in the unsuccessful underworld Castro assassination
plot, a meeting that was not discovered until the Senate
Committee on Intelligence found out about it in 1975. That
Kennedy could have met with this individual, whose name has
never been revealed, without knowing what his mission had
been, seems inconceivable. (Davis p. 297.)
Imagine the images conjured up by this passage to a reader who
has not read the report. I had read the report and I thought I
had missed something. How did I forget about Kennedy's private
meeting with Tony Varona in the Oval office? JFK asks Varona why
he couldn't get at Castro and then pats him on the head and says
try it again. When I turned to page 124 in the report, I saw why
I didn't remember it. The meeting, as described by Davis, did not
occur. At the real meeting are Kennedy, Robert McNamara, General
Lyman Lemnitzer "and other Administration officials." Also in the
room "were several members of Cuban groups involved in the Bay