Fluid-Mechanical Black-Body Radiation

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sat Dec 11 13:39:22 EST 2004

I tried to post the following in
sci.physics.research, but it was

Interestingly, my Inet PC was
'intercepted' =instantaneously=
when I "connected".

It's Murder, folks.

Sad Cheers,

K. P. Collins

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in 
message news:...
| "kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in
| message
| news:X2otd.100317$7i4.47386 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
|| [...]
|| For instance, a few 'weeks' back,
|| I reached a "consolidation-point"
|| with my then-current bottle of
|| Johnson's Baby Shampoo [tm],
|| so, with some Joy, set about rep-
|| licating the "squirting" experiment
|| that I've discussed, reiteratively,
|| in long-former posts.
| Reiteration of the Experimental
| Technique:
| Use a fine-metering pipette to dis-
| pense John's Baby Shampoo [or
| the viscous fluid of your choice -- 
| I've wanted to do it with Mobil 1
| Motor Oil, but haven't done so yet]
| into a petrie dish that contains an
| evenly-distributed quantity of the
| fluid you're using.
| It's important to allow the bubbles
| to rise out of both fluid resevoirs
| before you undertake trials. Bubbles
| introduce artifactual discontinuities
| at the pipette tipand in the receiving
| resevoir.
| Then open the pipette's petcock
| just enough so that a fine "thread"
| of the viscous fluid flows continuously
| from it into the receiving resieoir.
| What you'll observe will be a build-
| ing of a highly-dynamic little "mound"
| of fluid at "the point" where the stream
| impacts the resevoir's fluid.
| This "mound" is literally a macroscopic
| "atom".
| It builds be-cause the rate at which
| fluid enters it exceeds the rate at which
| fluid can exit it -- because of the fluid's
| viscosity.
| And, as the mound's 3-D Topology
| varies, you'll see little "squirts" of fluid
| being ejected from the mound.
| What's happening is that the fluid
| collecting in the mound, and, within
| the mound, it flows in a way that
| minimizes averall energy-content.
| This energy-minimization results in
| fluid dynamics that vary the mound's
| 3-D Topology, and when such var-
| iation flows toward the point at which
| the fine stream of fluid flowing out of
| the pipette meets the surface of the
| mound, instances of non-minimal-
| energy-flow occur, and, be-cause
| of this non-minimalness, to the de-
| gree of it, the fine-thread flow is
| ejected from the mound.
| These fluid-ejection dynamics shift
| the fluid dynamics within the mound,
| which terminates the non-minimal
| energy condition, so the "squirting"
| ceases.
| This is an =exact= macroscopic
| instance of what has been referred
| to as "quantum shifts" with respect
| to "atoms".
| And such macroscopic fluid-dynamic
| "atoms" behave in =exact= accord
| with the Black Body Radiation.
| This can be observed by performing
| successive trials of the above ex-
| periment while varying the Temper-
| ature of the fluid over a range of
| TempK.
| At the low-TempK end of this
| range, the "squirts" will occur at
| relatively-high flow rates. [The
| pipette's petcock will have to be
| opened relatively much in order
| to observe any "squirting".]
| And as the fluid's TempK is in-
| creased, the "squirting" will occur
| at ever-smaller flow rates, in a way
| that =exactly= matches the shift-
| ing of the black body power spec-
| trum toward its high-frequency end,
| including the extreme-high-frequency
| dropping-off of power.
| What's very-nice about this fluid-
| dynamics instance of the black body
| radiation is that everything in it can
| be easily calculated from continuous
| flow-rates and 3-D Topology.
| The fluid-mechanical "squirts" are
| =exactly= analogous to what have
| been referred to as "quantum" events,
| but, in the fluid-mechanical case, it
| is readily apparent that the underpin-
| ning fluid dynamics are =continuous=,
| and that the only thing that alters is
| the directedness of fluid flow with
| respect to minimal energy.
| I have Verified that the same dynam-
| ics acn account for all energy flows,
| at all scales.
| That is, I have Verified that there
| is no need to propose that energy
| is divided-up into "discrete packets".
| I'll be happy to provide such com-
| plete Verification to anyone who
| wants to receive it in-person. [There's
| a lot that needs to be covered, and
| the dynamics inherent need to be
| drawn and "animated" at a chaulk
| board.]
| k. p. collins

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