An Experiment to do

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sat Dec 11 13:30:59 EST 2004

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in 
news:c2psd.1030833$Gx4.115719 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| Variations in the technigue include
| using it to explore the neural dyn-
| amics that underpin "curiosity's"
| behavioral orientation dynamics
| as they are discussed in AoK,
| Ap5. [Here, the problems of
| getting "novelty" into the scan-
| ning apparatus, and of scanning
| regardless of orientation move-
| ment are left to the Experimenter
| to resolve :-] [I know it can be
| accomplished, but I've no hands-
| on experience with "scanning",
| and I'd need that before I can
| figure out how I'd do it.]
| [...]

Can LCD monitors remain func-
tional in the 'magnetic' environ-
ments of a scanner?

If not, then perhaps some sort of
Rub-Goldberg chain of non-metalic
mirrors could be employed to give
subjects something to see while
they're being scanned.

Perhaps a fiber-optics array could
be employed to convey the image
[would have to be a huge fiber-op-
tical bundle :-] [Use a magnifying
lens to make a smaller fiber-optics
display viewable?]

Anyway, i this could be accomplished,
it'd allow =simultaneous= scanning and
EEG-skull-cap stuff, =with the same=

Just convey the EEG CRT image that's
being driven via the EEG skull cap
into the scanner.

Voila -- we're able to view brains
in interaction :-]

Both 'sides' of the interaction visi-
ble, in real 'time' to our observa-

'Course, it's artificially-restricted
because the subjects are only par-
tially 'interacting' -- we're looking
at "active-phase" [AoK, Ap5] dyn-
amics in one [EEG] and "passive-
phase" dynamics in the other [scan-
ner], and the interactive "phase
shifting" ["dynamic subordinate
coupling", ibid] is circumstantially-

But, Wow! Overcome the few
technological challenges, and this
"combination" technique enables
really-spectacular experimental
opportunities. [It can also be done
EEG-to-EEG or scanner-to-scan-

What the Experimentor will be
looking-for, above, is the "passive-
phase" dynamics that are driven
by the other subject's "active-
phase" dynamics, and why this
is a useful approach is that it is,
in fact, artificially-restricted, which,
as data are averaged, will allow
"passive-" and "active-phase"
dynamics, which 'normally' oc-
cur in a rapidly-intermingled way,
to be converged-upon relatively-
separately, but in a way that's
nevertheless, coupled via the
shared experience of each trial.

The technique can be enhanced
a lot.

After optimizing the single-"in-
formation-processing-phase" set-
up [after learning what can be
learned from it], explore "phase
shift" dynamics by adding a voice
link between the subjects, allow-
ing them to 'converse' [can a sub-
ject in a scanner talk? Or does
the activation of the musculature
involved and/or the movements
involved screw-up the scan?]

Anyway, what I'm getting at is
that existing techniques can be
used in ways that incrementally
disclose the stuff of the "multi-
Mobius-ed Klein bottle".

You know - don't add "language"
[motor-speech and speech-aud-
ition] until you've nailed things
without it.

Somatosensation is easy to ex-
plore via an EEG-EEG [two
EEG-skull-capped subjects].

The "multi-Mobius-ed Klein
bottle" stuff will just precipitate-
out -- like in thise sets of sup-
posed 'single-photon' increment-
al-accumulation images that are
invoked as 'substantiation of
quantum mechanics'.

ken [k. p. collins]

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