neuron connections

AngleWyrm no_spam_anglewyrm at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 10 17:14:45 EST 2004

"Robert Briggs" <Trebor.Briggs at BITphysics.orgBUCKET> wrote in message
news:41B9F640.EE50757 at BITphysics.orgBUCKET...
> It appears that either frontiernet.net or giganews.com (I would guess
> at the former) spotted that the article didn't come from where it
> claimed to have done.

Someone recently told me that I was replying to a software 'bot, who's primary
and sociopathic purpose was to flood the news.admin-net.abuse.email newsgroup
with replies to nonsensical junk mail.

After reviewing the content of this thread, it seemed wise to me to remove the
crossposting to news.admin-net.abuse.email


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