Excerpts from a lecture on MC by Alan Scheflin

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Fri Dec 10 15:31:48 EST 2004

"Allen L. Barker" <alb at datafilter.com> wrote in message 
news:RAhud.7204$0r.4326 at newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net...
| kenneth collins wrote:
| > "Allen L. Barker" <alb at datafilter.com> wrote in message
| > news:Q5Xtd.5746$0r.3270 at newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net...
| > | [...]
| >
| > I'm ROFL-ing.
| Human rights abuses are so funny, you must be rolling
| on the floor laughing.  These are documented human rights
| crimes.  There is nothing funny about them.  The rest
| of your post below is incoherent.  Someone who claims
| to have solved all of the problems of neuroscience
| years ago should be able to do better.

I wasn't 'laughing' in that way, Mr. Barker.

It's as I stated in my prior post, to which
you replied -- be-cause I recognized the
'similarity' between what you and I do.

It was Empathy, not 'ridicule'.

In my case, I've done what I suggested
that you should do. The stuff I do is also
hard-to-do, but, in my case, I can rely-in
the fact that anyone who wants to Verify
what I discuss can do so by reading in
standard Neuroscience texts. All that stuff
is, more or less, Experimentally-Verified.

Your Problem is more-difficult in that one
way -- because it lacks such easy access
to an independent means of Verification.

It's hard.

I understand.

I was just telling you that one who would
Fix what needs Fixing has to "leave no
stones unturned".

I was telling you why.

I was Encouraging you to 'move' in that

I was, simultaneously, telling you that, so
far, you've done nothing that allows folks
to Distinguish between Truth and 'fabrica-

There are whole 'teams' of folks who're
'organized' to do nothing but spread 'dis-
information'. To overcome what they do,
one has to "look-elsewhere" to find the
"chinks" in the 'walls' of Falsehood that
they 'construct'.

I was Encouraging you to do so.

And the method I used was, itself, "Hard"
be-cause, if your concerns are Genuine, I
wanted to "break-through" to you, in the
midst of your 'throwing yourself against
the wall', and, if you're just co-operating
in spreading disinformation, then I wanted
to stand-against that.

The bottom line is that nothing you've ever
done Enables anyone to Distinguish be-
tween these alternatives.

So, if your efforts are Sincere, find a way
to so Enable folks.

And, if it's so, when you do so, I, for one,
will Mightily-Celebrate your Success.

Get it?

k. p. collins

| > There's nothing in what you've posted
| > [ever] that Enables anyone to distinguish
| > between what you're 'decrying', and
| > what you're doing.
| >
| > The main thing you're doing is spreading-
| > 'doubt' -- diffusing 'truth'.
| >
| > And the main reason that's True is that
| > there're folks in Journalism who devote
| > their Lives to holding stuff, like what
| > you've been posting, up in the light.
| >
| > Where are the Reports of these Profes-
| > sionals?
| >
| > You know -- folks who Verify every-
| > thing through arduous exploration of
| > claims and facts?
| >
| > There's no doubt that all manner of
| > nastiness occurs, just because folks
| > find themselves having the 'power' to
| > do it.
| >
| > But you've never given us any reason
| > to See that that's not what you're doing,
| > too.
| >
| > See the Problem?
| >
| > k. p. collins

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