"Robert Briggs" <Trebor.Briggs at BITphysics.orgBUCKET> wrote in message
news:41B9F640.EE50757 at BITphysics.orgBUCKET...
> AngleWyrm wrote:
>> > I have a 'thing' about identity theft. Please do not post using my name.
> > is the second time I have brought this matter to your attention; if it
> > again, I will write to AT&T about it, and they will write you about it.
>> AngleWyrm, I strongly suspect that the garbage has *not* come from
> Kenneth at all.
Then in that case, to Kenneth P. Collins, my apologies for suspecting intent
that was not present. Hope you can forgive the misunderstanding.
This reminds me of a day walking through the grocery store, when an item fell
off a shelf three paces behind me, well out of arm's reach. But I was the only
one in the aisle until that item fell. Then of course, someone came around the
corner, and there I was, the guilty party, with no recourse but to pick up the
item I had so 'obviously' bumped off a shelf. So, grumbling about poorly stacked
merchandise, I set it back on the shelf.
Don't know how to analyze the path property. Here is what my news server had to
say about the first such post:
attbi_s02 !attbi_slave12 !attbi_master11 !wns13feed !
!newsswing.news.prodigy.com !prodigy.net !newshosting.com
!nx01.iad01.newshosting.com !newsfeed.icl.net !newsfeed.fjserv.net
!feed.news.tiscali.de !tiscali !newsfeed1.ip.tiscali.net !news-out.tin.it
!news-in.tin.it !news.cs.interbusiness.it !news-spur1.maxwell.syr.edu
!news.maxwell.syr.edu !wns14feed !worldnet.att.net !attbi_s54.POSTED
!53ab2750 !not-for-mail