kenneth collins wrote:
> "Allen L. Barker" <alb at> wrote in message
> news:Q5Xtd.5746$0r.3270 at> | [...]
>> I'm ROFL-ing.
Human rights abuses are so funny, you must be rolling
on the floor laughing. These are documented human rights
crimes. There is nothing funny about them. The rest
of your post below is incoherent. Someone who claims
to have solved all of the problems of neuroscience
years ago should be able to do better.
> There's nothing in what you've posted
> [ever] that Enables anyone to distinguish
> between what you're 'decrying', and
> what you're doing.
>> The main thing you're doing is spreading-
> 'doubt' -- diffusing 'truth'.
>> And the main reason that's True is that
> there're folks in Journalism who devote
> their Lives to holding stuff, like what
> you've been posting, up in the light.
>> Where are the Reports of these Profes-
> sionals?
>> You know -- folks who Verify every-
> thing through arduous exploration of
> claims and facts?
>> There's no doubt that all manner of
> nastiness occurs, just because folks
> find themselves having the 'power' to
> do it.
>> But you've never given us any reason
> to See that that's not what you're doing,
> too.
>> See the Problem?
>> k. p. collins
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