Some thoughts on truth and recognition

AngleWyrm no_spam_anglewyrm at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 10 00:56:58 EST 2004

is surprising is that he
goes even further. Apparently, Davis realizes his jerry-built
apparatus of Bissell-Helms, and adulteration of the record will
not stand scrutiny. So he calls up Ovid Demaris, coauthor of
Judith Exner: My Story (p. 319). From this phone call, Davis is
informed that Exner lied in the book. She did tell Kennedy about
her affair with Sam Giancana and JFK got jealous. From this,
Davis builds another scaffolding: he now postulates that Exner
was Kennedy's conduit to the CIA-Mafia plots to kill Castro (Ibid
p. 324). What is breathtaking about this is that this is
something that not even Exner had uttered yet, at least not for
dissemination. And she won't until her get-together with Kitty
Kelley in the February 1988 cover story for People. This curious
passage leads one to think that Davis may have planted the seed
from which the Kelley story sprouted.

To go through the entire Davis book and correct all the errors of
fact, logic, and commentary would literally take another book.
But, in line with my original argument about anti-Kennedy
biography, I must point out just two parts of Davis' discussion
of JFK's Vietnam policy. The author devotes a small chapter to
this subject. In his hands, Kennedy turns into a hawk on Vietnam.

Davis writes that on July 17, 1963, Kennedy made "his last public
utterance" on Vietnam, saying that the U.S. was going to stay
there and win (p.374). But on September 2, 1963, in his interview
with Walter Cronkite, Kennedy states that the war is the
responsibility of "the people of Vietnam, against the
Communists." In other words, they have to win the war, not
Americans. Davis makes no m

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