principle that the world community of states will not recognize any
fruits flowing from aggression. Yet that is precisely what the U.N.
Security Council did in its Resolution 1472 (2003) on Iraq. Historically
it would be as if the League of Nations had adopted a resolution
ratifying Japan's belligerent occupation of Manchuria; or Hitler's
belligerent occupation of Czechoslovakia and Poland; or Mussolini's
belligerent occupation of Ethiopia; or Stalin's belligerent occupation
of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia; etc. For all of its ineffectiveness,
even the League of Nations did not stoop so low as the United Nations
Security Council did in its Resolution 1472 (2003) on Iraq.
Disintegrating world order indeed. Sabotaging the International Criminal
Court In order to justify the Bush Jr. war of aggression against Iraq,
one contemporary U.S. Machiavellian argued that since the Kellogg-Briand
Peace Pact was a phantasm to begin with, so too the same must now be
true for the United Nations Charter itself because the Bush Jr.
administration wantonly violated it in their run-up to their war of
aggression against Iraq.56 The Gangster Theory of international law:
U.S. might is right. Or as President Bush Sr. quaintly put it concerning
his Gulf War I: ". . .what we say goes." The Bush Family's New World
Order.57 Hitler only envisioned a "New Order" for Europe. Not
surprisingly, Bush Jr.'s grandfather Prescott Herbert Bush had supported
and facilitated the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazis in Germany.58
Bush Family values at work. Sadistic Bush Family executions in Florida
and Texas by Jeb and Bush Jr. as well.
In any event, both the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact and the United Nations