Why 'Un-Boxing' Knowledge Is Important

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Fri Dec 10 00:01:03 EST 2004

recurring at regular
intervals. As we shall see the promulgators of the following, are
very aware of the results of the Church Committee.

Exner To The Rescue

The committee had found that Hoover had a meeting with President
Kennedy on March 22, 1962. Through his investigation of Sam
Giancana, the Director had discovered that an acquaintance of his
- Campbell - had called Kennedy at the White House on numerous
occasions. Once Kennedy was told of this, the calls to the White
House stopped. Campbell's name was included in the first draft of
the report. But in deference to her privacy and the fact that she
denied ever communicating any messages between the two, the
committee - by a unanimous vote - did not name her in the final
draft. She was referred to there as a "close friend." Some
staffers, perhaps the CIA plants to which Marchetti referred,
leaked her name to the Washington Post. Significantly, four days
before the final report was issued, the Post printed her name in
an article about her. This did the trick. The Times and Post used
this to weaken the impact of Church's report. No less than two
dozen stories were printed in those two newspapers about Exner.

Altogether, those two establishment bastions kept her name in the
papers for six months. William Safire of the New York Times, a
former Nixon speechwriter, screamed there could be no "whitewash"
of this matter and made it his personal agenda to use Exner as
JFK's connection to the plots. He himself wrote five columns on
the subject. Time magazine did a feature on her. Newsweek, the
Post's sister publication did two. Exner - via the Times and Post
- became a media sensation.

Riding the wave, Exner now too

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