"47 The American
government started the 20th Century by stealing a colonial Empire from
Spain and then conducting a near genocidal war against the Philippino
People - "a place in the sun." The U.S. government opened the 21st
Century by trying to steal a hydrocarbon empire from the Muslim States
and Peoples of Eurasia - "a war against international terrorism." But
this latest transgression could very well prove to be the definitive
step of "imperial overstretch" that will break the back of the American
Empire both abroad and at home.48 In 1991 the mighty Soviet Empire
collapsed like a house of cards after a decade of "imperial overstretch"
in Afghanistan. Like the former Soviet Union, the United States of
America itself is an imperial house of cards built upon the backs of
Indigenous Peoples and Peoples of Color.49 The Bush Jr. administration's
aggressions against and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq could very
well generate a reverse domino effect: ". . . they all fall down." The
United States of America is not immune to the laws of history.
Prostitution of and by the United Nations
To the same effect was Security Council Resolution 1500 of 14 August
2003, which "Welcomes the establishment of the" U.S. puppet-council in
Iraq under Chicago's pro-Israeli Straussian Neo-Con CIA asset Chalabi,
and established the so-called United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq
(UNAMI), whose headquarters in Baghdad was promptly car-bombed five days
later.50 Security Council Resolutions 1441 (2002), 1472 (2003), and 1500
(2003) just go to prove how subservient the