Some thoughts on truth and recognition

AngleWyrm no_spam_anglewyrm at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 10 03:51:18 EST 2004

He was finally briefed on it in May of 1962. There
can be no doubt about his reaction. As one of Bobby's CIA
briefers stated: "If you have seen Mr. Kennedy's eyes get steely
and his jaw set and his voice get low and precise, you get a
definite feeling of unhappiness."

In a memo of a meeting Hoover had with RFK after this briefing,
Hoover wrote: "The Attorney General told me he wanted to advise
me of a situation in the Giancana case which had considerably
disturbed him" [emphasis added]. For his own part, Hoover wrote
of his talk about the matter with the AG:
  I expressed great astonishment at this [the association] in
  view of the bad reputation of Maheu and the horrible
  judgment in using a man of Giancana's background for such a
  project. The Attorney General shared the same views.

Kennedy had made it clear to the CIA that if they were to have
any more of these types of ideas about using these characters,
they would have to go through the Justice Department first, i.e.

him. But what RFK did not know is that, as the I. G. Report
  It should be noted that the briefing of Kennedy was
  restricted to Pha

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