milk toxicity, Mike Adams interviews Robert Cohen, plain text, www.NewsTarget.com: Murray 2004.12.07 rmforall

Rich Murray rmforall at att.net
Fri Dec 10 00:43:09 EST 2004

bibliography to create the impression of immense scholarship and
many hours quarrying the truth out of books, files, and
libraries. But, like the later book, the text is not footnoted.

So if the reader wishes to check certain facts, or locate the
context of a comment or deduction, he is generally unable to do
so. But fortunately, some of us have a background that enables us
to find out where certain facts and deductions came from. This is
crucial. For in addition to his wild inflation about the
prominence of the Kennedy family in the power elite, another of
Davis' prime objectives is to reverse the verdict of the Church
Committee and place Kennedy in the center of the CIA plots to
kill Castro.

Pinning the Plots on Kennedy

As I said in Part One of this article, there is no evidence of
such involvement in either the CIA's Inspector General report of
1967, or in the Church Committee's report, Alleged Assassination
Plots Involving Foreign Leaders, issued in late 1975. In fact,
both advance evidence and conclusion

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