that the Kennedy brothers knew about,
authorized, and encouraged the plots? The first method is by
performing minute surgery on the 1975 report. Davis states that
Allen Dulles briefed JFK on the plots at a November 27, 1960
meeting with the President-elect. He uses Deputy Director Dick
Bissell as his source for this disclosure (Davis, p. 289). I
turned to the committee report that dealt with Bissell's
assumptions on this matter (Alleged Assassination Plots p. 117).
Here is the testimony Davis relies on:
Bissell: I believe at some stage the President the President
and the President-elect both were advised that such an
operation had been planned and was being attempted.
Senator Baker: By whom?
Bissell: I would guess through some channel by Allen Dulles.
The Chairman: But you're guessing aren't you?
Bissell: I am, Mr. Chairman, and I have said that I cannot
recollect the giving of such briefing at the meeting with
the President in November....
Even thought Bissell does not remember any briefing at this
November meeting, Davis writes as if he does and uses him as a
source. Yet the report goes on to say (Ibid p. 120): "Bissell
surmised that the reasons he and Dulles did not tell Kennedy at
that initial meeting were that they had 'apparently thought it
was not an important matter'." (p. 120.) When Frank Church asked