Some thoughts on truth and recognition

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Thu Dec 9 23:58:41 EST 2004

and vent none on Johnson or a potentially
rabid political culture on this issue.

The second major area of focus is Kennedy's sex life. The authors
excuse this preoccupation with seventies revelations, an apparent
reference to Exner, Meyer, and perhaps Monroe (p. 667). Kennedy
seems to have been attractive to females. He was appreciative of
their overtures. There seems to me to be nothing extraordinary
about this. Here we have the handsome, tall, witty, charming son
of a millionaire who is eligible and clearly going places. If he
did not react positively to all the attention heaped on him, I am
sure his critics would begin to suggest a "certain latent
homosexual syndrome." But what makes this (lengthy) aspect of the
book interesting is that when the Blairs ask some of Kennedy's
girlfriends what his "style" was (clearly looking for juicy sex
details), as often as not, the answer is surprising. For
instance, in an interview with Charlotte McDonnell, she talks
about Kennedy in warm and friendly terms adding that there was
"No sex or anything" in their year long relationship (p. 81).

Another Kennedy girlfriend, the very attractive Angela Greene had
this to say:
  Q: Was he romantically pushy?
  A: I don't think so. I never found him physically
  aggressive, if that's what you mean. Adorable and sweet. (p.

In another instance, years later, Kennedy was dating the
beautiful Bab Beckwith. She invited Kennedy up to her apartment
after he had wined and dined her. There was champagne and low
music on the radio. But then a news broadcast came on and JFK
leaped up, ran to the radio, and turned up the volume to listen
to it. Offended, Beckwith threw him out.

Another curious observation that the book establishes is that
Kennedy did not smoke and was only a social drinker. So if, as I
detailed in the Mary Meyer tale, Kennedy ended up a White House
coke-sniffer and acid head, it was a definite break wi

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