OK - 'now' Release

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Thu Dec 9 03:22:00 EST 2004

To those who've been reading the
stuff I've been posting: =Thank you=.

It's 'time' to "release".

Understand the TD E/I(up) you're

That's 'just' your good noggin' lab
working on your behalf.

If necessary, reread AoK, Ap5.

But it's 'time' to "release".

'move away from' the "zone of
randomness" [AoK, Ap4].


The 'door' is shut.

Turn your attention to stuff =you=
Love. Embrace that stuff. See it's

I'll begin-again some 'time' 'round
the bend.

But 'now', it's 'time' to "release"
from your consideration of NDT's

Thanks again.

Funny story: To Honor his memory,
I was going to write a bunch of
papers in 2005, the 100th Anni-
versary of Einstein's "Annus Mirablis",
but I don't know where to send them :-]

[It's my 'problem' -- just know how
to do it. Not how to 'sell' it. Been
that way since a Child. I always think
all one has to do is send Truth in a
'letter'. But it's not that simple. Gotta
make it past the 'sentries', and all they
check is the letterhead. :-]

The papers would've fulfilled what he
had in his 'heart' when he died. He was
Correct, those who shunted him aside
did so in-Error.

It's 'funny'. 'All' my life I've ached for
him -- because of the way folks in
Physics ganged-up on him, like he
was some 'target' that, when shot at,
automatically made them 'correct'.

They shot and shot, and he just ab-
sorbed it all. Man! What a Man!

But it was him who was Correct,
not the gang-er-up-ers.

I understand your Pain, Albert, my

Perhaps there's someone who'll let
me Honor your memory, in-person.

What's "funny"?

This stuff is "Treasure" to me.

What's Important.

"To right the [supposedly] unrightable

Me and ol' Don Q :-]

Cheers, ken [k. p. collins]

[P. S. I'm not giving up my Inet account
yet. I'd slipped over the 'month' bound-
ary by a 'day' when I checked when it
was "going to" happen. Perhaps that's
for the best. I'll check-in, so if anyone's
having trouble "releasing", send me a
private note, and we'll "release" together.

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