Some thoughts on truth and recognition

AngleWyrm no_spam_anglewyrm at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 8 11:56:01 EST 2004

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:5Jbsd.87892$7i4.83602 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...

> The remedy is Simple -- just give our
> Children understanding with respect
> to how their nervous systems process
> information in a way that leaves them
> 'thinking' that whatever has become
> relatively-'familiar' to them is 'good',
> and whatever is relatively-'unfamiliar'
> to them is 'bad'.

Truth can be defined to mean that which matches an expectation. Yet another
function of differentiating figure from ground, of integrating categories
defined by border states. In this light, it could even be claimed to be a simple
search tool, used to sort observations into new stimulus vs known stimulus,
moving the concentration and focus toward that which is unclassified, to quicken
recognition and learning.

A constructive process, wherein memories are assembled by virtue of the road
less travelled. A survival mechanism by which that which has been experienced is
classified as generally safe (we're still alive), and that which was not
experienced is classified as possibly hazardous (if we survived without seeing
it, then it may be hazardous).

Of such is born the phrases Exploring the Great Unknown, and also Ignorance is


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