Necessary CORRECTION, below.
"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
news:h1%sd.96131$7i4.20503 at
| [...]
| One can only 'move toward' Truth,
| or not [be-cause it's WDB2T,
| there's no "standing-still"].
| [...]
I Erred when writing the above.
We are Enabled to 'move toward'
Truth because WDB2T permeates
physical reality and because our
nervous systems "climb" the energy-
gradient that is WDB2T.
WDB2T is =in= Truth, but it is not,
itself, Truth.
'moving toward' Truth requires
"ranging-widely" so that the 'hills'
and 'valleys' of WDB2T can be
"climbed" to their highest-point.
So WDB2T is out-there, a Dep-
endable guide, but Truth demands
'moving toward', under the guidance
of WDB2T.
So, contrary to what I recklessly
dashed-off in the post linked-to
above, Truth exists "beyond"
WDB2T, and that "beyond"-stuff
comes to physically exist within the
"biological mass" that accumulates
within nervous systems as they ex-
perience WDB2T, in proportion
to a nervous system's "ranging-
Our nervous systems are exquisitely-
'engineered' to do this. The problem
has been that folks were not able to
distinguish between the WDB2T
energy-gradients that are coerced
within groupwise action, and WDB2T
sans such collective coercion.
You know -- folks get "stuck in
the rut" of their merely-'familiar' ex-
perience -- be-cause, absent NDT's
understanding, 'blindly'-automated
TD E/I-minimization results in that
'feeling-right' -- even though folks
routinely Ravage one another's Be-
ings in the "name" of that perceived
NDT's understanding Solves this
problem, and, to the degree that it's
understood, enables Freedom of
action, at the cost of doing the work
inherent in "ranging-widely".
[If folks retained the "Truth's One-
Map" discussions, this stuff is discus-
sed, more-thoroughly, in them.]
k. p. collins