It was a short "walk" :-]
"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
news:mj_sd.1041546$Gx4.346360 at
| "kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
| message
|news:1VZsd.1041428$Gx4.549055 at
|| [...]
|| Do folks understand what I'm
| doing in these discussions [and
| what I always work to do]?
|| I'm just doing work to give folks
| TD E/I(up) that'll counterbalance
| stuff that needs to be counter-
| balanced, so that greater-TD E/I-
| minimization can, then, occur
| within their own good nervous
| systems.
|| I'm =not= 'seeking revenge'.
|| I'm =not= 'seeking to hurt' anyone.
|| I'm seeking 'just'-the-opposite
| stuff -- on =everyone's= behalf.
|| Some folks receive what I do
| 'differently' than that be-cause they
| do not, yet, comprehend NDT's
| stuff, and, so, receive Truth as
| 'being bad', when Truth 'just' =Is=.
And all anyone can do with respect
to Truth is to 'move toward' it or
'move away from' it.
Truth does what it does, regardless.
Do folks understand what I'm say-
One can't 'manufacture' Truth.
One can only 'move toward' Truth,
or not [be-cause it's WDB2T,
there's no "standing-still"].
And the closer one 'moves toward'
Truth, the greater is the TD E/I-min-
imazition that occurs within one's
nervous system.
Not, and not.
See the point?
'moving toward' Truth, to the degree
that one does, enables one to do what
can be done.
'moving away from' Truth, to the de-
gree that one does, Prohibits one
from doing =anything= that can be done.
It's why it's so Sad to see 'leadership'
'moving away from' Truth.
And they 'think' that that'll actually
"accomplish" anything?
Truth 'just' does what it does, Regardless.
Is this "too-Hard" to comprehend?