"AngleWyrm" <no_spam_anglewyrm at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:bgArd.499966$D%.168911 at attbi_s51...
| There is another kind of 'blindness'
| for which the word blindess and the
| word undiscovered are both close
| but inadequate. Consider our envir-
| onment, wherein it is possible to
| see ways to develop cellular tele-
| phones, radio, and GPS. These
| commonplace things could not be
| seen without the aid of previous
| work on electromagnetism, that
| created an environment in which
| they could exist as concepts.
Hi, my discussion's been going
on for more than a 'decade'.
And, yes, I'm "pushing" a 'narrow'
view, so that, when others exper-
ience it, it will "fall-into-place".
I'm discussing Seeing that.
And my experience has been say-
ing what you've said, quoted above,
interminably, but being told that "it
cannot be done", when I've already
done what folks say "cannot be
done" :-]
So I "push"-it :-]
| In another vein, consider the
| Tarot deck, wherein are depicted
| a set of situations, which aid the
| viewer in sparking a series of
| neurons that might be less travelled.
| This can be used as a method of
| seeing, where one does not norm-
| ally travel, a dreamlike connection
| of things less often connected,
| which can lead to personal insights
| that normal logic circuits would not
| arrive at. A problem that I have
| noticed with the Tarot deck is
| that the set of situations/relation-
| ships portrayed seem stiflingly
| small and repetetive, even for the
| number of cards. A better deck
| would seek to make use of the
| most common situations/relation-
| ships, in descending order.
I lend no Credance to 'tarot', or
anything that's analogous.
One has to work within the
realm of physical reality.
In 'tarot', there is physical reality,
but it's the physical reality of the
nervous system that matters.
The 'cards' are, themselves,
physically-real, but they have
no connections to physical reality
other than those which are in the
realm of Physics.
So many grains of sand could be
substituted for them, and an anal-
ogous physical reality could oc-
cur within the 'seeing' nervous
system, to the same end.
When I discuss "Seeing", I'm
talking about literally Seeing the
difference, above.
Which enables the "standing on
the shoulders of giants", so as to
See-farther, that you wrote of in
the first part of your reply.
The work I've done Generalizes
that kind of Seeing -- shows how
to do it, and how to not be deterred
from doing it.
But, like I said in other recent and
long-former posts, there's no 'magic'
Just physical reality and rather won-
derful nervous system dynamics that
can, themselves, be comprehended.
Cheers, ken [k. p. collins]