Send us the full paper now: WSEAS World Congress on FLUID MECHANICS and HEAT and MASS TRANSFER. Special Issue of IASME / WSEAS Transactions (participates in Science Citation Indexes)
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Send us the full paper, via the WSEAS web site (not by email) until December 15
All the accepted papers will be published not only in the usual proceedings, but
also in a Special Issue
of IASME Transactions
Please, note that WSEAS Publications participate now in all major science citation
ISI, ELSEVIER, CSA, AMS. Mathematical Reviews, ELP, NLG, Engineering Index
Directory of Published Proceedings, INSPEC (IEE). See the Web Site of WSEAS
CALL FOR PAPERS (more details on the Web Site of WSEAS)
2005 IASME / WSEAS International Conference on: FLUID MECHANICS (FLUIDS '05)
2005 IASME / WSEAS International Conference on: HEAT and MASS TRANSFER (HMT '05)
Sponsored by: IASME and WSEAS
Udine, Italy, January 20-22, 2005
Send us your Abstract now (Write in the Subject of your email: WSEAS)
For your accomodation the organizers achieved incredible low prices
in a 4 Star Hotel
SPECIAL SESSION 1: Computational Techniques for Fluid Flow Problems
Organized by Dr. Indra Vir Singh, BITS, Pilani, India
SPECIAL SESSION 2: Parametric oscillations on the interfaces of continua:
Excitation and suppression. Theory and Applications.
Organized by Prof. Ivan V. Kazachkov, Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. Energy
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden,
SPECIAL SESSION 3: Optical Techniques for Fluid Flow Problems
Organized by Prof. P. K. Panigrahi, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of
Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Goettingen, Germany,
SPECIAL SESSION 4: Computational Techniques for Heat Transfer Problems
Organized by Dr. Indra Vir Singh, BITS, Pilani, India
SPECIAL SESSION 5: Blowing-up Regimes under non-linear heat conductivity:
Methodology and Applications
Prof. Ivan V. Kazachkov, Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. Energy Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden
About Udine:
1 hour from Venice (Venezia), Udine stands in the centre of Friuli Venezia Giulia
region in a favourable geographic position and is an important junction with
Austria and Slovenia. The city is a fascinating mixture of old and modern styles,
with the simple elegance of its buildings many of which are works of famous
artists, the suggestive 'rogge' similar to Venetian canals. It is one of the most
interesting and rich centres of the region with its artistic treasures and cultural
events. 'City of Tiepolo', so it is called as some of the best works of the
greatest Italian painter of XVII century are kept here. The local university is a
highly qualified one and is strongly 'Europe' oriented. Last but not least are the
age-long gastronomic tradition and the valued Doc wines from the surrounding hilly
countryside. In the town centre our organization manages directly the running of
the elegant and prestigious
About Venice:
Venice (Venetia) is one of the most glorious towns on the earth. It was a town that
a big sea Empire dominating all the mediterranean sea against the greek - byzantine
in the beginning and the turkish - ottoman empire at the end.
Venetia is a miracle of the human kind and human civilization from many points of
view. It is best known as the city built on water. It is famous for its canals and
gondolas used as transportation around the city. Famous also for the Saint Marcos
Charch and Square, for its museums, old aristocratic houses, the architecture, the
luxurity and the variety of which reflects the world power of this great naval
Topics of FLUID MECHANICS 2005
Mathematical Modelling in fluid mechanics
Simulation in fluid mechanics
Numerical methods in fluid mechanics
Convection, heat and mass transfer
Experimental Methodologies in fluid mechanics
Thin film technologies
Multiphase flow
Boundary layer flow
Material properties
Fluid structure interaction
Coastal and estuarial modelling
Wave modelling
Industrial applications
Environmental Problems
Air Pollution Problems
Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering
Fluid Mechanics in Geosciences
Flow visualisation
Waste Management
Environmental protection
Management of living resources
Mathematical models
Management of Rivers and Lakes
Underwater Ecology
Ocean Engineering
Topics of HEAT and MASS Transfer 2005
Mathematical Modelling in heat and mass transfer
Simulation in heat and mass transfer
Mathematical Physics problems
Numerical methods in heat and mass transfer
Experimental Methodologies in heat and mass transfer
Thin film technologies and heat and mass transfer
Diffusion convection
Conduction problems
Natural and forced convection
Phase change
Metal casting
Welding, forging and other processes
Heat exchangers
Bio-heat transfer problems
Heat Engineering and Electroscience
Micro and Nano Scale Heat Transfer
Turbulent heat transfer
Heat storage
Electronic cooling
Environmental protection
Management of heating resources
Industrial applications
Energy applications
Professor Rama S.R. Gorla, Ph.D.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio 44115, USA
Phone: 216-523-7276
Fax: 216-687-9280
Email: r.gorla at
Dr. Shoaib Usman, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor
Nuclear Engineering
University of Missouri-Rolla
Rolla, MO 65409, USA
Phone: (573) 341-4745
Email: usmans at
Dr. Shabaan Abdallah, Ph.D.,
Professor of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210070, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0070
Ohio, USA
Phone: (513) 556-3321
Fax: (513) 556-5038
Email: shaaban.abdallah at UC.Edu
Professor Ivan V. Kazachkov,
National Technical University of Ukraine, NTUU KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine
Andrei Fedorov (USA)
A. C. Baytas (Turkey)
Albert R. George (USA)
Alexander I. Leontiev (Russia)
Andreas Dillmann (Germany)
Bruce Caswell (USA)
Chris Swan (UK)
David A. Caughey (USA)
Derek B Ingham (UK)
Donatien Njomo (CM)
Dong Chen (Australia)
Dong-Ryul Lee (Korea)
Edward E. Anderson (USA)
G. Gaiser (Germany)
G.D. Raithby (Canada)
Gad Hetsroni (Israel)
H. Beirão da Veiga (Italy)
Ingegerd Sjöholm (Sweden)
Jerry R. Dunn (USA)
Joseph T. C. Liu (USA)
Karl Bühler (Germany)
Kenneth S. Breuer (USA)
Kumar K. Tamma (USA)
Kyungkeun Kang (USA)
M. A. Hossain (UK)
M. F. El-Amin (USA)
M.-Y. Wen (Taiwan)
Michiel Nijemeisland (USA)
Ming-C. Chyu (USA)
Naoto Tanaka (Japan)
Natalia V. Medvetskaya (Russia)
O. Liungman (Sweden)
Philip Marcus (USA)
Pradip Majumdar (USA)
Rod Sobey (UK)
Ruairi Maciver (UK)
S.M.Ghiaasiaan (USA)
Stanley Berger (USA)
Takéo Takahashi (France)
Vassilis Gekas (Sweden)
Yinping Zhang (China)
Yoshitaka Watanabe (Japan)
Ivan Kazachkov (Sweden)
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if you want to participate in the new International Scientific Committee
organizing a session or a group of sessions.
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