neuron connections

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Thu Dec 2 02:27:41 EST 2004

"AngleWyrm" <no_spam_anglewyrm at hotmail.com> wrote in message 
news:f%xrd.429771$wV.213471 at attbi_s54...
| In the visual system, neurons are
| connected through several stages
| in a directed manner from eye to
| back of brain.
| Is this true of most all brain cells?
| Do they have a directed nature? And
| if so, where can I get a map of the
| FROM->TO sections of the brain?

Such "maps" are given in any good
Neuroanatomy text. The wholes of
such texts are, literally, such "maps".

My favorite is =Human Neuroanatomy=,
by Carpenter and Sutin [before that by
Truex and Carpenter]. I checked for it
on amazon.com a while back, though,
and could only find some used copies.

[Anyone else know the Publication-state
of this text?]

To come up to speed in working with
the "maps" given in such texts requires
some devoted-study.

Cheers, ken [k. p. collins] 

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