Neur-sci August 2004 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Aug 1 09:13:34 EST 2004
Ending: Tue Aug 31 20:08:20 EST 2004
Messages: 88
- "Manchurian Candidate" Movie Sheds Light on Real Mind Control
Allen L. Barker
- Edited repeat of: mu-opioid receptor free brains of baby mice, mused over by the mind behind EPT %-)
- How to adjust osmolarity of patch pipette filling solution ???
- Pressure Brain
- Neuroscience Advice
Matt Jones
- SFN 2004 ---- Roommate wanted (San Diego)
Danny Zhu
- Neuroscience Advice
John Hasenkam
- [strawberries] 61% off Windows XP Pro unkindly
Audley Delaney
- announcement
Lothar M. Schmitt
- faults in 1999 July EPA 468-page formaldehyde profile: Elzbieta Skrzydlewska PhD, Assc. Prof., Medical U. of Bialystok, Poland, abstracts -- ethanol, methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid, lipid peroxidation, green tea, aging: Murray 2004.08.08 rmforall
Rich Murray
- faults in 1999 July EPA 468-page formaldehyde profile: Elzbieta Skrzydlewska PhD, Assc. Prof., Medical U. of Bialystok, Poland, abstracts -- ethanol, methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid, lipid peroxidation, green tea, aging: Murray 2004.08.08 rmf
- faults in 1999 July EPA 468-page formaldehyde profile: Elzbieta Skrzydlewska PhD, Assc. Prof., Medical U. of Bialystok, Poland, abstracts -- ethanol, methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid, lipid peroxidation, green tea, aging: Murray 2004.08.08 rmf
- faults in 1999 July EPA 468-page formaldehyde profile: Elzbieta Skrzydlewska PhD, Assc. Prof., Medical U. of Bialystok, Poland, abstracts -- ethanol, methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid, lipid peroxidation, green tea, aging: Murray 2004.08.08 rmf
- Neuroscience Positions
Bob Engels
- Mitt Firefly nummer
- Mitt Firefly nummer
- Mitt Firefly nummer
- Mitt Firefly nummer
- Perpheral Neropathy???
River Horse
- Allopregnenolone (synthesized from 5AR) may prevent neurodegeneration
- How to convert 3dd file into 3ds
- How long will SSRI last in my brain?
- SB16's FM Synth [was Re: Hearing only with the brain?]
- "new" polygraph and interrogation methods, from the APA
Allen L. Barker
- Input resistance
- higher-level neural signals analyzed in monkeys
Allen L. Barker
- cumulative probability analysis
- New psychiatry website for patients and meds
- U.S. military medical staff slammed in Lancet
Allen L. Barker
- Your Hong Kong Call Centre
- Science turns up the heat on Bush
Allen L. Barker
- Any Cases?
- Dimness of Sight
- Experimental wiki on computational and cognitive neuroscience
Harry Erwin
- We are sending to each of you now the REPORT from the 2004 World Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology together with instructions of how to get FREE registration in the conference of MATHEMATICS and COMPUTERS in BIOLOGY in Venice (Venetia), Italy
W SEAS Biosciences News
- Ernest Borgnine is cognate with Ragnar Hairybreeks
stjconsultants at
- Leonard Kille and documented brain implant victims
Allen L. Barker
- A letter from Prof. N. Mastorakis. We need your ideas, proposals and collaboration. Report from the recent International Conference NAVAL ENGINEERING . Send us now your proposals and your ideas for the 2005
WSEAS / IASME Newsletter on Naval and Maritime Engineering
- the liver and the brain
ray scanlon
- Mailman results for Grin
grin-request at
- Under-Appreciated Gems of Scientific Epistemology
Jim Blair
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 20:08:20 EST 2004
Archived on: Sun Apr 10 22:49:55 EST 2005
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