Under-Appreciated Gems of Scientific Epistemology

Jim Blair jeb at wisc.edu
Tue Aug 31 13:49:44 EST 2004

"Scott Seidman" <namdiesttocs at mindspring.com> wrote
> Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions  (a MUST given your topic!!)
> Scott


I second that one!  That is THE  book for you.

PS: I will probably be offline for a couple of months
after Labor Day.

_______________ooo___(_O O_)___ooo_______________
jim blair (jeblair at facstaff.wisc.edu) Madison Wisconsin
USA. This message was brought to you using biodegradable
binary bits, and 100% recycled bandwidth. For a good time
call:   http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/4834

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