On 30 Aug 2004 16:14:59 -0700, rscanlon at nycap.rr.com (ray scanlon)
>I find it interesting that we can have a discussion of how the cells
>in the liver work together without any bitter attacks on a persons
>parentage. But when a similar discussion on how the interneurons are
>connected and how they work is broached there is nothing but
>>What is wrong?
I have gone through the last several weeks of postings on
bionet.neurosci and don't have a clue as to what you are referring to.
The only "contentious" thread is Rich Murray's very long and tired
old screed on formaldehyde which evoked only few comments relatively
mild by Usenet tradition. And that certainly was in no way related to
cellular processes in interneurons.
Could you itemize the threads you find inappropriate? You are
posting (and I am replying) to five separate groups. Are you sure
what you see is on all of them? If not, please don't cross post. In
fact, don't cross post in any event.