Ernest Borgnine is cognate with Ragnar Hairybreeks

512/udp biff.mullins at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 05:15:57 EST 2004

On 28 Aug 2004 17:55:45 -0700, outrezoned at my-deja.com (OutreZoneD)

>I think Ernest Borgnine is cognate with Ragnar Hairybreeks
care for a bratburger?

"I've had a total recalibration of my mind, you know. I mean, it's
like, I've been banging my head against this 19th century type, um,
what? Thought mode? Construct? Human construct? Well, the wall doesn't
exist. It's not there, you know. I mean, they tell you, look for the
light at the end of the tunnel. Well, there is no tunnel. There's just
no structure. The underlying order is chaos."

-Richard Linklater's "Slacker" (1991)

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