[Many people are not aware that there are *documented* victims of
unethical brain implantation procedures, still in the population.
Many of these known experiments were carried out decades ago, with
technology that is crude by today's standards. What happened to these
citizens is clearly a major human rights abuse, but it is almost taboo
to discuss these things in US society.
Current-day citizens alleging possible unethical implantation have a
hard time getting scans and X-rays done. The few who actually get
scans that show what seem to be devices have trouble getting even
that evidence acted on and taken seriously. This is not an accident;
it is a legacy of a large, unethical program of covert experimentation
in which many researchers were complicitous -- and which is apparently
ongoing. These days there exist many exotic technologies, often
lumped under the term "non-lethal weapons," which can alter and
influence people's perceptions and brain function remotely, without
the need for implanted devices.
The first excerpt below tells the story of Leonard Kille. After that
there is an excerpt from a Delgado paper that seems to refer to him
(as a research subject with the initials L.K.). Now that we know what
happened to Kille, what happened to the other human subjects in that
program? The third item, by Peter Breggin, mentions Kille's case and
discusses other brain implantation and electrode experiments and
"treatments" carried out in humans. The final item is a _US News_
article describing the many cold war experiments which were carried
out on nonconsensual citizens and which, unlike the human radiation
experiments, are still covered up and concealed.]
[From the book _Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A._, by Alex
Constantine, 1995. See the book for the many footnoted
The moral squalor of the government's RF mind control program cried
out for oversight, as one case history from the _Los Angeles Herald_
makes clear:
The subject was Leonard Kille, a talented electronics engineer. Kille
was the holder of patents for inventions willed to MIT when his brain
was disabled by CIA psychiatrists Vernon Mark of Boston City Hospital
and UCLA's Frank Ervin.
Kille was a co-inventor of the Land camera, named for Edwin Land of
the Polaroid Corporation, an old boy of the CIA's mind control
program. It was Land, in fact, who founded the Scientific Engineering
Institute on behalf of the CIA. (The SEI appeared earlier in this
account hosting a course on demonology and witchcraft at the
University of South Carolina, and planting electrodes in the brains of
human subjects.) Land's CIA clique of "behaviorists" apparently drew
their moral inspiration from the Death's Head Order of the Waffen SS.
At South Vietnam's Bien Hoa Hospital, for example, an SEI team buried
electrodes in the skulls of Vietcong POWs and attempted to spur them
into violence by remote control. Upon completion of the experiments,
the POWs were shot and cremated by a company of "America's best," the
Green Berets.
Kille's story is no less lurid. In 1966 he suspected that his wife
was having an affair. She denied it. He didn't believe her and flew
into rages. A psychiatrist interpreted his anger as a "personality
pattern disturbance," and referred him to Mark and Ervin for
neurological tests. They diagnosed him a mild psychomotor epileptic,
and his jealousy was obviously "paranoia." (As it happens, his wife
*was* carrying on an affair with a boarder.) His psychiatrists
described Kille as "uncontrolled," "dangerous." (In fact, Kille's
most violent outburst consisted of throwing tin cans at his wife -- he
missed her.) Kille was hospitalized and pressured into brain surgery.
He refused at first, but his wife threatened divorce if he didn't
submit to his psychiatrists. The cruel irony was that she divorced
him after the surgery anyway to marry her paramour.
In the operating room, four electrical strands running the length of
his brain were implanted. Each strand was studded with 20 or so
electrodes. It was only *after* surgery that Kille was asked to sign
his consent with the strands in place, already zinging his brain.
Internal EEG activity was recorded. The voltage of the stimoceivers
was boosted as part of Kille's "treatment."
Dr. Peter Breggin of the Center to Study Psychiatry, a rare ombudsman
of psychiatric abuses, investigated the case and found despite the
glowing reports of Mark and Ervin that the patient was "totally
disabled, chronically hospitalized, and subject to nightmarish terrors
that he will be caught and operated on again at the Massachusetts
General Hospital."
In 1971 an attendant found him with a wastebasket over his head to
"stop the microwaves." A sympathetic doctor at Boston's VA hospital,
where he was transferred, ordered for him "a large sheet of aluminum
foil so he may fashion a protective helmet for himself. Good luck."
The VA doctors were not informed that Kille had been fitted with the
electrode strands, and wrote him off as a delusional paranoiac.
"The Mass General and labs... (are) killing all the useful cells in my
brain," he confided in a note to a VA doctor when the electrodes
burned lesions into his amygdala, another "treatment." It left him
permanently paralyzed from the waist down.
Sweet and Ervin controlled his moods with electronic stimulation.
They turned him up and turned him down, he said. The "haunting fear"
left by Kille's ordeal, a psychiatrist wrote in the _New England
Journal of Medicine_, is that "men may become slaves, perhaps to an
authoritarian state."
Intracerebral Radio Stimulation and Recording
in Completely Free Patients
By Jose M. R. Delgado
Clinical Applications of the Stimoceiver
1. L. K. This 35-year-old white male design engineer had experienced
attacks of staring and automatisms for 10 to 12 years. He also had
frequent episodes of rage during which he assaulted and injured his
wife and children. His driving was precarious because he became
enraged if other cars cut in front of him and he would go miles out of
his way to force them off the road.
The EEG revealed temporal lobe spiking more prominent on the right
side. Pneumoencephalograms disclosed dilation of the right lateral
ventricle, and recording from inlying temporal lobe electrodes showed
marked EEG abnormalities. Telemetered recordings were done to
correlate the results of amygdala stimulation, EEG recording, and
behavior without risking the danger of displacing the intracerebral
electrodes by sudden, untoward movements of the patient which could
not be compensated for with the usual method of EEG recording by means
of direct leads.
2. M. R. This 25-year-old white male suffered from encephalitis as an
infant and a severe head injury in the Navy.
3. J. P. This 20-year-old white female had a history of encephalitis
at the age of 18 months.
4. G. C. This 14-year-old Negro girl was brought up in a foster home
and was of borderline intelligence.
Campaigns Against Racist Federal Programs by the Center for the Study
of Psychiatry and Psychology
by Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
Journal of African American Men 1:No. 3, 3-22. Winter 1995/96
The fate of Thomas R
In their book, Violence and the Brain (1970), and elsewhere, Mark and
Ervin described Thomas R (sometimes called Leonard K) as a young white
man largely saved from epilepsy and completely saved from violence by
psychosurgery. When describing his outcome, they mention no serious
side effects. He was their star patient.
The patient's mother, Mrs. G., read my criticism of Mark and Ervin in
the Boston Globe and realized for the first time what had been done to
her son. She wrote to me that in reality he had been reduced almost to
a "vegetable." Thomas's tragic story is retold in detail in Breggin
and Breggin, The War Against Children.
Mark and Ervin Lose Their Funding
As a result of the antipsychosurgery campaign, all of Mark, Ervin and
Sweet's federal funding for genetic and psychosurgical experimentation
was cut off. As a long-delayed satisfaction to us, we learned this
year that the Center's campaign against the DOJ's Law Enforcement
Assistance Administration (LEAA) funding for Ervin had brought about a
dramatic reversal in official government policy. A guideline entitled
"Use of LEAA funds for Psychosurgery and Medical Research" was signed
by the LEAA administrator, Donald E. Santarelli, on June 19, 1974. The
guideline declared that any future grant applications for
psychosurgery would be denied. It further stipulated that all "medical
research," unless risk-free, would be denied and referred instead to
the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW, now DHHS). It
forbid states to use LEAA block grants to do psychosurgery or medical
As far as we know, Mark and Ervin did not perform their psychosurgery
experiments on any African Americans. With more limited political
aims, perhaps, another surgeon was operating on numerous black
children. When I began researching the return of psychosurgery in the
early 1970s, I quickly came upon the work of O.J. Andy, director of
neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi-Ole Miss-in Jackson. He
was publishing reports on multiple surgical interventions into the
brains of small children, ages five to twelve, who were diagnosed as
aggressive and hyperactive. Of his 30-40 patients, he wrote me in
1971, most were children.
Before the controversy hit the press, I phoned Andy, who told me he
could not recall the race of any of the children. Later I contacted a
civil rights attorney in Mississippi who was able to determine that
most of them were housed in a segregated black institution for the
developmentally disabled. The attorney got onto the wards, where the
nurses told him with frustration that Andy had a completely free hand
in picking children for psychosurgery.
In 1966 Andy described J. M., age nine, who was "hyperactive,
aggressive, combative, explosive, destructive, sadistic." Over a
three-year period Andy performed four separate mutilating operations
involving at least six lesions with implanted electrodes. The
youngster was at first said to be doing well. In a subsequent 1970
article, Andy again claimed that J. M. is no longer so combative and
negative. Then he added, "lntellectually, however, the patient is
While Andy did not take an activist political position like Mark,
Ervin and Sweet-he did tell B. J. Mason, a reporter for Ebony, that
black urban rioters "could have abnormal pathologic brains" and
"should undergo tests with whatever capacity we have now." Following
world-wide publicity about his operations during the antipsychosurgery
campaign, in 1973 a committee of his peers at the university declared
his research experimental. When Andy did not establish appropriate
experimental protocols, he was prohibited from operating. Andy himself
declared in 1980 that he had been forced to stop operating due to
"sociological pressures" in his home community.
In his 1973 State of the State message, California governor Ronald
Reagan announced plans for the establishment of a biomedical facility,
the Center for the Study of the Reduction of Violence. Supported by
state and federal funds, the first center was planned for the
psychiatry department at UCLA, headed by Louis Jolyn "Jolly" West, a
flamboyant psychiatrist known for his ability to hitch himself to hot
topics. An early draft of West's proposed UCLA center described using
schools in Chicano and African American neighborhoods to screen for
possible genetic defects. It also mentioned the possibility of
psychosurgery. The suggestion of psychosurgery for control of violence
was especially menacing in California because Santa Monica
neurosurgeon M. H. Brown was strongly advocating it. In a January 22,
1972 letter to the Los Angeles Times, he wrote "It is either this
[psychosurgery] or a further escalation of violence and chaos in
society that does not serve the best interests of the United States."
Meanwhile, Frank Ervin left the collapsing Boston project and came to
join West at UCLA. Ervin's arrival at this critical juncture alerted
people to the center's potential dangers. Despite denials from
psychiatrists West and Ervin, the discovery of references to genetics
and psychosurgery in the original proposal proved politically
fatal. Opposed by the Center and a coalition of west coast reformers,3
the planned string of federal violence centers never got off the
The Cold War Experiments
Radiation tests were only one small part of a vast research program
that used thousands of Americans as guinea pigs.
U.S News and World Report, January 24, 1994.
By Stephen Budiansky, Erica E. Goode and Ted Gest
Many of the stories of people whose lives were destroyed by
mind-altering drugs, electroshock ``treatments'' and other military
and CIA experiments involving toxic chemicals or behavior modification
have been known for almost 20 years. But U.S. News has discovered that
only a handful were ever compensated -- or even told what was done to
them. ``There has essentially been no legitimate followup, despite the
CIA's promise to track down the victims and see what happened to
them,'' says Alan Scheflin, a professor at Santa Clara University Law
School and an authority on cold war mind control research. ``It's just
one of the many broken promises.'' A CIA spokesman last week said the
agency is searching its files for radiation tests but has no plans to
revisit other human experimentation.
MKULTRA. Most victims have never been informed by the government of
the nature of the experiments they were subjected to or, in some
cases, even fact that they were subjects. In a 1977 hearing, then CIA
director Stansfield Turner said he found the experiments ``abhorrent''
and promised that the CIA would find and notify the people used in the
tests. Turner last week insisted that ``they found everyone they
possibly could find.'' But internal memos and depositions taken from
CIA officials in a lawsuit against the agency in the 1980s reveal that
of the hundreds of experimental subjects used in the CIA's
mind-control program, code-named MKULTRA, only 14 were ever notified
and only one was compensated -- for $15,000.
In 1955, the Army supported research at Tulane University in which
mental patients had electrodes implanted in their brains to measure
the LSD and other drugs. In other experiments, volunteers were kept in
sensory-deprivation chambers for as long as 131 hours and bombarded
with white noise and taped messages until they began
hallucinating. The goal: to see if they could be ``converted'' to new
See also:
Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by
by Colin A. Ross, MD
Mind Control: TT&P ==> http://www.datafilter.com/mc
Home page: http://www.datafilter.com/alb
Allen Barker