faults in 1999 July EPA 468-page formaldehyde profile: Elzbieta Skrzydlewska PhD, Assc. Prof., Medical U. of Bialystok, Poland, abstracts -- ethanol, methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid, lipid peroxidation, green tea, aging: Murray 2004.08.08 rmf

bob rboehrin at vt.edu
Mon Aug 23 12:15:05 EST 2004

> another troll post who would have guessed

Thanks for the comment from a person using a fake e-mail address. I
see that you stand by your words.

I thought that this group might actually discuss actual issues and not
troll posts as I would have characterized the original long winded
post that I suppose was meant to imitate real information.

I have posted a number of questions in this forum about how people
collect information in the biological sciences. I have been an avid
reader of stereological techniques.  This forum appeared to be a
suitable place to ask what people are doing in the laboratory setting
to investigate such questions as how many cells are there in an organ,
or how much surface area is there.

Instead I find it full of what appears to be what you term 'troll'
comments.  Not knowing internet ebonics I took the time to look up the
term 'troll'.  I appreciate you teaching me a new way of expressing
myself in this forum.

Now all I have to do is say 'troll comment'.

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