Medical role in torture?
Friday, August 20, 2004
We've known all along that military medical personnel were at best
negligent in not reporting American abuse of prisoners at Baghdad's
notorious Abu Ghraib prison and, at worst, they participated in
covering up the abuse. But the worst was actually far worse, according
to an article in The Lancet medical journal.
University of Minnesota professor Steven Miles cites evidence that
doctors or medics falsified death certificates to cover up homicides,
hid evidence of beatings, revived a prisoner to be further tortured
and allowed a medically untrained guard to sew up a prisoner's wound.
Medical personnel's role in torture at the prison was a fundamental
one, Miles alleges. "The medical system collaborated with designing
and implementing psychologically and physically coercive
interrogations," he writes. "A physician and a psychiatrist helped
design, approve and monitor interrogations at Abu Ghraib."
Doctors implicated in abuse of Iraqi prisoners
NewScientist.com news service
00:01 20 August 04
U.S. military medical staff slammed in Lancet
Abu Ghraib report to clear top brass
Family of Iraq Abuse Whistleblower Threatened
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