cumulative probability analysis

BilZ0r BilZ0r at TAKETHISOUThotmail.com
Thu Aug 19 15:42:35 EST 2004

tehgabriel at web.de (tomte) wrote in
news:1adcf6cc.0408180217.9aa4d8d at posting.google.com: 

> Hi!
>> I figure that amplitude refers to the abilitude of the IPSC, but what
>> is the cumulative probability and the interevent internal refering
>> too? The cumulative probability of there being an IPSC of that
>> amblitude? 
> Right idea! That's quite close.  It's the probability of an incoming
> IPSC with indicated amplitude or lower. The last point is important!
> cumulative probaility := P(amplitude ≤ X)
>> and what are the events, that the interevent internal, is an interval
>> of? 
> The  events are the postsynaptic events => the IPSCs. It is the
> interval between two successive IPSPs (or IPSCs).
> Best regards,
> Thomas

Ohhhh, like that! I figured they would label the x axis "cummulative 
amplitude" or "> amplitude" or something if they ment that. Thanks for 
the answer.

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